Knowledge through Movement

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Switzerland. In the introduction to the panel discussion now available on, “Eurythmy in the Workplace: An Undiscovered Potential,” Peter Augustin (Software AG Foundation) described how the experience of a change in perspective is felt more intensely through a eurythmy exercise than simply through a mental process.

Health, social interaction, laboratory for the development of collaboration: these are three perspectives included in the idea of “eurythmy in the workplace.” According to Vera Koppehel, eurythmy starts with the “how” and not the “what” of a process. Eurythmy creates “consciousness-raising movement.” She called for more developed profession for eurythmists, and not simply a vocation. “If the heart doesn’t want it, it won’t make it into the head,” emphasized Mona Lenzen, when describing the importance of opening up the heart region with eurythmy. Stefan Hasler called this work “soul gymnastics.” Teresa Mazzei was originally a financial manager before learning about eurythmy. She said, “Eurythmy allowed me to see human beings, and I began to love my work.” Oxana Alekhina, who works as a eurythmist in Moscow, described how eurythmy helps to “master stress management.” Michael Werner reiterated this and described how company managers and directors were discovering that movement is a key to understanding. Concerning her training in “Eurythmy in the Workplace,” Sonja Zausch said: “We have to learn to talk about the experiences we have when doing eurythmy.” This requires the ability to speak, reflect, and have the courage to tell the truth. Reflection on experiences is indispensable. Conflicts can arise in the process, which is why mediation is also part of eurythmy training.

Panel with Mona Lenzen Abouleish, Oxana Alekhina, Stefan Hasler, Vera Koppehel, Teresa Mazzei, Michael Werner, and Sonja Zausch, moderated by Andrea Valdinoci.
Livestream from November 28, 2023. Available starting February 9, 2023 on

Translation Joshua Kelberman
Image Screenshot. From left to right: Stefan Hasler, Mona Lenzen-Abouleish, Andrea Valdinoci

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