That the idea that happiness is concurrent with one’s favorite occupation, that this favorite occupation takes place in the swing...
The other day, we were looking at photos from our vacation, and one had slipped in of grandma and grandpa...
We do not read in order to collect information, but rather to learn and practice reading, in every sense. On any day, read only as much as you can work through, inwardly, in the time before the next reading. The slower you read, the greater will be the possibility that...
A few years ago, I wanted to send a quote via an app that was equipped with the kind of...
Intimacy is within and without. In the aridity and solitude of the desert, I am thrown back on myself, while...
Angels always appear when people encounter border or boundary situations. […] At such moments they are most likely to be noticed and recognized. Many painters, past and present, have tried their hand at depicting angels. They all agree on the main characteristics, even if they emphasize one or the other...
The horizon is an earthly fact. It is the all-embracing perimeter. It always embraces the center, without which it cannot...
For this piece to be creative, I have to throw it into the unknown. So, I don’t know where my...
It is in the nature of things that inspiration, the middle of the three stages of knowledge—the transitions between which are considered to be fluid in a certain way—is the most difficult to grasp independently. It joins the imagination by transforming the images from the first stage that are still...
To become friends, we need to get to know each other. This is the point invoked in the famous scene...
In the search for the law of cause and effect in an exclusively external world, modern science has had incomparable...
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