Seeing Nature through Goethe’s Eyes

A Course in the Goethean Approach to Nature

This December, The Nature Institute in upstate New York will continue a training course in Goethean natural science at the Associação Sagres [The Sagres Association] in Brazil. The first module took place at the end of last year, and the second module will be offered from December 2 to 14. Participants in the course will work with the foundational elements of the Goethean approach to understanding nature. Through various practical exercises, they will engage directly with their immediate environment in order to better comprehend and cultivate an understanding of Goethe’s methodology. The individual and personal human experience of nature is at the center of Goethe’s scientific research. The development of dynamic and flexible thinking, free from habitual patterns, is a main goal of the course, and it’s geared towards all those who wish to integrate the Goethean methodology into their own lives or work. The course will be taught in English and translated into Portuguese.

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Translation Joshua Kelberman
Image Henrike Holdrege, Photo: Screenshot from the video “O que é Goethianismo?”[What is Goetheanism?] from the Associação Sagres’ Youtube Channel

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