Medicine as a Free Cultural Impulse

Phoenixmottagningen is a private Anthroposophic day clinic in Ytterjärna, Sweden.

Consultation for general medicine and pediatrics take place here, as well as physiotherapy, Anthroposophic nursing and Rhythmic Massage. There are also arts therapies, Werbeck singing therapy, curative eurythmy and biography work. The clinic also offers Color Light Therapy, which is one among 12 places worldwide. Art and color light therapist Christine Loser describes Phoenixmottagningen as «carrying medicine as a free cultural impulse». That means, it is a place for initiatives on promoting health and community building in service of individuals and the community. An example is an initiative from art therapist Susan Bäume Kollem called ‹Konsten att åldras› (The Art of Aging). This meeting is an invitation to understand aging through art, eurythmy and conversation and to accept it, so that one can be active in shaping one’s biography.

More Phoenixmottagningen

Photo Nicole Asis

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