Goetheanum World Conference

In the coming year, during the days of Michaelmas from the 27th of September to the 1st of October 2023, the Goetheanum Leadership is extending an invitation to a large-scale working conference of initiators and shapers in anthroposophical life in order to find perspectives together.

«The global World Society has reached a turning point. All previously stable points of reference seem to be disappearing. It is becoming increasingly difficult for individuals and society to understand the world, to orient themselves in it, and to act. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Anthroposophical Society as the sponsor of the School of Spiritual Science falls in the midst of these events. It is our impression that after 100 years both the World Society and the anthroposophical movement require a next step. Present work lives in the field of tension between persisting in old forms and dilution in which the substance disappears. Pioneering projects and communities in which Anthroposophy has developed over decades can disintegrate – both in their inner strength and in their outer structures – by clinging to old ways of doing things and habits of life. Similarly, processes of dilution can be observed in many anthroposophical organisations such as schools, banks, businesses, etc. How can we find a language in communicating Anthroposophy that connects?»

The conference is being prepared by Christiane Haid, Constanza Kaliks, Ueli Hurter, and Johannes Kronenberg together with Andrea Valdinoci from the Goetheanum World Association. As the organisers write, their aim is to create alliances and cooperation with people and organisations that have related goals, where until now people have often kept to themselves. «Where we have drifted apart, we want to break down prejudices and renew encounters with an open heart.» A new feature of the conference is that a schedule is being sent out with the initial invitation. According to this, after the current ‹save-the-date call› in December, there will be the possibility to register, and in March a programme with the individual forums will then be published. In the summer before the meeting, there will be a reader with prepared content. The conference is part of the many centenary celebrations from 2019 to 2025 and follows on from the World Conference in 2016.

More Goetheanum World Conference

Picture Conference flyer Translation Christian von Arnim

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