A biodynamically managed farm is seen as an organism, a living being. At the annual conference “The Earth as a...
May 27, 2020
Ueli Hurter has been co-leader of the Section for Agriculture since 2010 and a member of the Executive Committee of the General Anthroposophical Society since 2020. He is on the board of the International Biodynamic Association (IBDA).
In the Agriculture Course, Rudolf Steiner developed the concept of an “agricultural individuality” in a truly authentic way. For many...
The European Union’s Agriculture Commission has decided to extend the authorization of the broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup in EU agriculture for...
Rudolf Steiner was not a farmer. Despite this, he delivered the Agriculture Course—eight lectures in June 1924 that provided the...
In a conversation with the organizers of the 2023 Goetheanum World Conference on Reshaping a World Movement, Wolfgang Held asked...
One hundred years of Biodynamics and ten thousand years of agriculture. An interview with Ueli Hurter on the Agricultural Conference...
The Goetheanum Agricultural Section’s Lin Bautze and Ueli Hurter participated in the COP27 Climate Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Back...
A small book dealing with a big issue, ‹Breathing with the Climate Crisis›, has recently been published at the Goetheanum....
It is called ‹Loi de vigilance› in France, ‹Lieferkettengesetz› in Germany, ‹Supply Chain Act› in the US, and ‹Wet Zorgplicht...
From wheat, we bake bread. Our ‹daily bread› represents our daily nourishment in general. But where does wheat for bread...
The pandemic shows: the health of the individual, the community and the earth are interrelated. The destruction of river landscapes...
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