We Are the Future Shapers

The Future Shapers, members of a working group of the newly established twelfth section, describe their experiences at the Inclusive Social Development conference.

We, the Future Shapers, are young professionals with a shared enthusiasm for inclusive social development, community building, and innovative leadership practices. We build bridges to learn, share, and support each other. Profound encounters took place in the open space that we hosted during the conference. In just over one hour, we planted seeds and acknowledged each other by exploring both our shared and individual destinies. “I am important. You are important.”

During the Future Shapers open space, we shared our feelings, insights, and reflections with each other. It’s amazing how open the young people are and how much they want to immerse themselves in the work and learning. Along with positive visions of the future, we also talked about fears of the future. It was awe-inspiring to see a space of trust and support emerge between people who had never met before. I carry this profound moment with me as proof that the younger generation recognises and supports those in need in a natural and caring way.

The human encounters shone at the conference, especially where they were shaped consciously. Such encounters can make our inner sun shine. One participant shared this with us:

On the last day, I took a train with a lady from Mexico, and she talked about her work at their centre. It resonated greatly with me and happened to be similar to what my friends would like to start in Slovakia. Both of us were surprised by the uniqueness of the impulse on different continents. It was magical. Now, I can connect them with each other. This is a great example of my experience from the conference. I had many such encounters that led me to a feeling of belonging and enthusiasm. I am not alone—there are people who are interested in the same things, and we can grow together.

In co-creating this space, we found a sense of togetherness in striving to understand ourselves as human beings and nurturing each other tenderly, like little seedlings growing towards the cosmos. Seeing the excitement, vision, and inspiration in people who attended made it clear that the existence of our network is meaningful and important. There is much strength when we hold each other, and we can all do our part in contributing to the evolution of the new 12th section.

The conference was a special place of encounter with others and with ourselves. It is always a thrill to realise that each participant in the conference is a person who is active outwardly and inwardly, bringing the light of anthroposophy to their local place on the planet. And here, they come together. One can only imagine what a powerful creative force is generated by this spiritual meeting.

Further emerging themes at the conference were about how we relate to each other and the possibility to get a glimpse of the other’s eternal being, through grace. This grace is lived when we meet each other with love. It was special to feel part of what has been achieved over 100 years and it inspired us to stay light, to listen to the future hoping to emerge, and to have the courage to shape it together. This intention lived very strongly in our souls.

Stories were deeply inspirational, yet somehow interchangeable. Throughout the conference, as I met each new person, I was struck with the realisation that anyone I met could be on stage. They all had a beautiful, inspirational story to share. What stuck with me was the warmth found in the space between myself and another. Often I leave Dornach filled to the brim with exciting new ideas, this time I left filled with those and with my heart warmed by meaningful human encounters.

And you, our dear reader, how do you encounter yourself, and others? “Who are you? Who am I?” Sometimes when we are in a dreaming consciousness, this question helps us to wake up and take stock. So, who are you? What brought you here? After 100 years, how do you envision and shape the future? And what can you do as a part of the 12th section? These questions resound in our hearts and the future is calling us all to shape it intentionally! Will you?

At the end, as we were singing all together, ‘…we hold each other’s hands… the sun is rising… our love is strong…’, I felt IT HAPPENED. The 12th section has been founded. There are people who want to seek the way to a healthy future of human beings on Earth. I am glad I could be there. It is our will and presence of spirit (die Geistesgegenwart) that makes inclusive social development possible. On this path, I wish us enough of what we need.

Image Participants in a clowning and circus workshop with Martin Schwarz, a member of the Future Shapers working group. Photo: Xue Li

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