Greetings from the Medical Section

On October 5, 2024, the foundation of the 12th Section for Inclusive Social Development at the Goetheanum took place amidst a festive and joyful atmosphere. The separation of this new Section from the Medical Section enables greater visibility and strength for the great social challenges that need to be mastered in this field worldwide. Among other things, this new independence offers an opportunity to de-pathologize people with assistance needs. With best wishes and the will for a new friendship, the Medical Section vows to remain faithfully connected to this work, in the spirit of Ita Wegman.

I feel sunlight
in my heart
Sunlight becomes warmth
in my heart
My heart force
streams into my hands
My heart force
streams into my feet
My heart force
is a gift from God
I will work
with God’s gift
Thus may I hope
to become strong.1

Translation Laura Liska
Image Human dance project for the founding ceremony of the Section for Inclusive Social Development. Photo: Matthias Spalinger


  1. Rudolf Steiner, May 19, 1923, in Mantric Sayings Meditations 1903-1925, CW 268.

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