One hundred and one years ago, Rudolf Steiner gave the members of the Anthroposophical Society the Foundation Stone. The fourth...
May 27, 2020
Christiane Haid heads the Section for Fine Arts and the Visual Art Section at the Goetheanum. She studied Education, German, History and Art in Hamburg and at the Friedrich-v.-Hardenberg-Institute for Cultural Studies. She did her doctorate on Albert Steffen's 'Little Myths'. Her most recent publication was on Rudolf Steiner's indications of 'Faust'.
At the 2023 Goetheanum World Conference, the Visual Arts Section, the Section for the Performing Arts, and the Section for...
What is delicate and vulnerable finds an initial expression in pink. A shade further is peach blossom, which is related...
In 1924, Rudolf Steiner stepped up his presentations on the karmic past of individual entities and karmic laws and also...
An intensive art week with the Section for Visual Arts. Among Rudolf Steiner’s most astonishing achievements is the radical transformation...
This fall, a new one-year art course taught in German will begin at the Goetheanum. What impulse has driven the...
The anniversary of the founding of the General Anthroposophical Society and the School of Spiritual Science 100 years ago inspired...
In a conversation with the organizers of the 2023 Goetheanum World Conference on Reshaping a World Movement, Wolfgang Held asked...
True art surprises us, calls on us to set ourselves in motion, takes us to the limits of the familiar,...
After seven years, a Goetheanum World Conference will once again take place, at Michaelmas 2023. An invitation from Christiane Haid,...
In the context of the present dire world situation, in which we witness ever-present threats of destruction and darkness, thoughts...
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